Friday, January 9, 2015


Spring Cauliflower should be transplanted into the garden about 3 weeks before your expected last spring frost and for 3 to 4 weeks after that to have a staggered harvest later. Plants should be at least 5 to 7 weeks old when set out
Cauliflowers are grown for their central white heads (curds) and can be grown all year round as long as the correct variety for the time of year is chosen.
Try to prepare your soil at least 2 months before planting. I like to add Bonemeal or anything high in phosphorus. Phosphorus is good for flowering , fruit production, and root system. After all, Cauliflower is a giant bloom. You can also add other amendments according to your soil test a few months before planting or at least 2 weeks before planting. Loosen the soil and amend with chopped leaves or compost about 8 to 12 inches deep.
The soils pH should be neutral or slightly alkaline.(6.5) Lime if necessary.
Transplant into garden about 12 to 16 inches apart. Same for growing by the Square Foot. 12 inch x 12 inch Or 16 inch x 16 inch.
Cauliflowers are a cool weather crop. Hot temperatures can reduce head development. In summer you can cover the head with the plants leaves.

Apply a fertilizer just after planting out. Organic or chemical. I like to use homemade manure compost and bury it a little around each plant.
Growing cauliflower requires regular continuous growing conditions. Steady even water supply. Any stress to the plant will result in a reduction in head growth which is often known as 'Buttoning'
Start to harvest Cauliflowers when they reach the size the variety says they should be or harvest a little sooner to stagger harvesting. Harvest before the head starts to separate. If the head starts to separate , it is about to bloom . Best to harvest before it starts to bloom but still edible even as it starts to form its bloom buds. It starts to turn a little purplish when it starts to form bloom buds.
To harvest Cauliflower, cut the stalk with a sharp knife under the head.
Harvest the cauliflowers in the early morning

 Cauliflower has anti-inflammatory properties. This versatile white vegetable is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as well as Vitamin K, which gives it its ability to assist in preventing the chronic inflammation in the joints, that is the prime cause of arthritis.
Health benefits of cauliflower include healthy digestion. A typical serving of cauliflower provides over 3g of dietary fiber, which is essential to maintain a healthy digestive system. The vegetable also contains glucoraphanin, which is believed to help protect your stomach lining from bacteria.
Cauliflower is high in antioxidants. Cauliflower contains beta-carotene and phytonutrients, antioxidants that, with regular consumption, will reduce the risk from free radicals and help protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.